About Me
My name is Kyle Jason Northan, and I was born on August 23rd, 1997. My testimony is such a blessing to share. When I was born I was born with tubes stuck in me, not knowing whether I’d make it or not. After spending 10 days in the hospital I was finally released. This was a sign that the Lord wanted me to be born. He said in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Growing up I remember always wanting to attend Church with my grandmother when no one else in the family would go. I remember preaching my first sermon at 15. Even as a church boy, going through High School teenage years I would be afraid of sharing my faith with people, I even remember hiding in the bathroom in school when friends wanted me to join them in bible study. I remember going through periods of struggle with sin. In 2021, I was at a worship night outside of my church and that’s where I told The Lord He has my full surrender and yes, since then my life has radically changed for the better, where He gave me a Christian community, different preaching methods to lead others to Christ with the scriptures and my testimony, starting my online ministry. I am also an East Stroudsburg University Criminal Justice major graduating class of 2021.